Versetti per organo. Intavolatura facilissima, Venezia 1598. Ms. DD 53, Bologna CMBM
- Publisher: Il Levante Libreria Editrice
- Code: TA 4
- In Stock
€ 13.00
Due serie di versetti nei diversi toni (a un secolo di distanza una dall’altra: fine Cinquecento e fine Seicento) e alcuni strumenti teorico-pratici per la didattica dell’improvvisazione secondo l’evoluzione storica dalla modalità alla tonalità.
Two series of versetti in the various modes (separated by a century: end of the 16th Century and end of the 17th Century) and a series of theoretical and practical instructions regarding the practice of improvisation according to the historical evolution from modality to tonality.
Two series of versetti in the various modes (separated by a century: end of the 16th Century and end of the 17th Century) and a series of theoretical and practical instructions regarding the practice of improvisation according to the historical evolution from modality to tonality.
Publisher: Il Levante Libreria Editrice
Code: TA 4
Codice int.: 75783